Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making Sense of Mortgage Modification

There has been much in the news in the past few weeks about mortgage modifications for homeowners who are having trouble making their house payments. Many are having difficulty qualifying for modifications, and so far the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has had disappointing results.
I have helped people to avoid having to move out of their home by going through a loan modification.
As a CDPE, I feel it’s my duty to help anyone I can during these hard times. If you would like to know more about mortgage modifications and whether or not you might qualify, please feel free to contact me. Kristine Jones@
The Washington Post recently reported that "troubled homeowners who receive housing counseling are 60% more likely to avoid foreclosure and have their mortgage payments lowered significantly than borrowers who navigate the process themselves." I can help homeowners facilitate the process of loan modification and discuss other alternatives to foreclosure if a modification is not an option.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Honesty and Ethics

It is very unfortunate that so many Realtors lack these skills and therefore give all Realtors a bad rap. If I say it too much, forgive me, but I love what I do and have a trues passion for Real Estate. I get a high when I am able to help someone through a tough situation such as a short sale in the same way I am so excited to hand a first time buyer the keys to their very first home. Know that there are truly Realtors out there that have your back. Make sure you feel comfortable and your gut feels right with who you are working with.